Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Sennen Cove - Lands End, Cornwall

These are some photos I took from a weekend down to Sennen Cove which is the most southern beach in England, just before Lands End. Scored pumping surf all weekend in the clearest water ive ever surfed in ... anywhere! Was also able to shed a few layers of rubber as the water temps now a respectable 16-17'c - this is about the the average for NZ early winter but over here it means time to surf in boardies. Got picked up by the crew at 3:30am, in the water by 7am, out of the water 10pm. Perfect Day. Sat morning, took this photo after I had come from my first surf, was a lot bigger and glassier ealrier on as the tide had turned when I took this photo which make a huge difference. Still goin off though. At low tide this left hander strated working, peeling right into the rocks.

This is a photo from a webcam, gives a good idea of how clear the water is. Something about the geology of the area leading to very low levels of sediment in the water.

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